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Curriculum Content and Progression

The content of our learning at Carlton Road has its direction in the national curriculum. Thereafter, it is arranged in line with the other schools in the Voyage Partnership. Finally, we take the Trust’s long-term plans adapting and adjusting them to meet the specific requirements of teaching at our academy. The  long term curriculum overview for the whole school can be seen by using the red link below. The sequence in which the content is delivered can be seen in our Progression Ladders (in the case of maths also in our Calculation Policy), these too can be found below.

Progression in each subject has been divided into areas or concepts. For example, in Design Technology knowledge belongs to the following concepts: Design, Make, Evaluate, Technical Knowledge, Food and Nutrition. Generally, these apply across all age groups with the exception of some knowledge linked to specific developmental strands for younger children or specialised areas of expertise for older.

Our ladders show the sequence in which subject knowledge should be acquired. That way if there are gaps in understanding teachers can look back to see where these have originated from; equally they can look forward to see the direction the knowledge they are teaching needs to travel. The ladders also cover key vocabulary too.

Subjects on our map are broadly colour coded with icons to quickly link concepts together, demonstrating where schemas will be constructed.

Whole School Curriculum Map


English is a multi-faceted subject and by default, as our home language, it is taught in every lesson.

Vocabulary is fundamental to success in English and long before children formally learn to read or write they are exposed to both social and purposeful conversations as well as stories, rhyme and song in school. Children need to experience successful speaking and listening before they are able to discriminate the specific phonemes, and match them with their graphemes, which enables the process of reading and then writing.

Our phonics scheme is “Little Wandle”, you will see children “Wandling” throughout the school as they learn the building blocks of English. These children may, in the lower school following our progression in phonics programme, or could be new to the country and learning English for the first time, at any age, supported by our EAL fluency strategy. Upon completion of the phonics programme, ideally by the end of Year 1, the children continue to read structured reading scheme texts (predominantly Big Cat Books). This scheme runs throughout the school but additional texts are added or chosen by the children as they become more independent readers.

Below you will find our progression in English (including phonics) ladders. This progression covers the discrete teaching of both reading and writing but is also embedded in reading and writing in other subjects which includes the acquisition of rich and varied vocabulary (both general and subject specific) across the curriculum.

Full detail is available in our subject policies for reading (early reading has an additional separate document) and writing.

The children also use “Letter Join” for handwriting, “Lexia” for reading instruction and “Bedrock” for vocabulary enhancement. See links below for further detail.


Our school follows the White Rose scheme of work for maths alongside the Trusts calculation policy and our maths progression ladder (which combines both our and White Rose maths intent).

The lessons by year group and by term are available via this link.

The children also use “Times Tables Rock Stars” for multiplication fluency and speed (Year 2 upwards) and “Numbots” in the lower school form subitising, number bonds and addition and subtraction.

See links below for further detail.

Curriculum Progression Ladders

We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW