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Curriculum Intent and Implementation

Our Curriculum Intent

“Intent is about what leaders intend pupils to learn. It’s as simple as that. Intent is everything up to the point at which teaching happens. Good intent, according to our handbook, has the following features:

  • a curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils [see our curriculum ethos]
  • a curriculum that is coherently planned and sequenced [see our progression ladders]
  • a curriculum that is successfully adapted, designed and developed for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities [see our subject policies]
  • a curriculum that is broad and balanced for all pupils [see our curriculum map]

Intent is all the curriculum planning that happens before a teacher teaches the knowledge that pupils need to learn the next thing in the curriculum. [see our subject policies]”


Our Trust provides the “Core” curriculum – designed by system leaders and outside specialists and experts e.g. the Geographical Society was consulted regarding the design of the Geography Curriculum and  the Lincolnshire Diocese on the RE.  The school provides the “contextual” curriculum when we take elements of the “core” and may make adaptations to meet the context of our children and locality. The Trust Curriculum Intent Policy expands on this in detail.

At Carlton Road the overarching intent of our curriculum is laid out in its “Aims” and the knowledge these deliver, this content has its own page see  "Curriculum Ethos”. As we drill down further each subject has its own specific intent.

Furthermore, each subject is split into “Concepts”, these are the “Building Blocks” from which we teach.

In our academy knowledge comes from learning that is delivered through these “building blocks” concepts. Some are threads that run through several or all aspects of a subject such as “Place Value” in maths, “Physical and Human Geography”, “Grammar and Punctuation” in writing or “Working Scientifically”. Others have aspects that can stand alone and be taught as a mini subject in their own right such as “Physics” in science, “Painting” in art or “Digital Media” in computing.

Building Block Concepts join learning together and make learning cohesive; enabling children to see common features in a subject and across subjects. For example, in history the content of a lesson will be contextualised by the concept of “Chronology” demonstrating, using the appropriate pitch from the progression ladder, the where and when of the events being taught; this may also be supported by aspects of the concept of “Historical Interpretation” by looking at different artefacts  as sources. Building Blocks from different subjects may be taught concurrently; in the example above chronology and  historical interpretation may run alongside human and physical geography in a lesson about “Why did the ancient Egyptians build their temples on the banks of the river Nile?”

Set out as Building Blocks, the concepts look like this:

Each subject’s Building Block Concepts are shown by clicking on the link below the subject’s Intent.

Due to recent restructuring in our school, there have been some considerable changes to our middle leader’s roles. This has given us the opportunity to introduce new teachers to subject leadership positions, allowing them the exciting prospect of further developing our curriculum so that it meets the needs of all our learners. At the same time giving our teachers professional progression opportunities and enhancing their understanding of subjects across the curriculum.

We have coordinated these changes with re-writing our curriculum subject polices, which you can access below. Our middle leaders have focussed clearly on:

  • the knowledge the children need to learn in their subject
  • how this knowledge will be acquired
  • how the learning fits into their subject concepts and in which sequence their content will be implemented
  • how the impact of learning will be measured

With this guidance to support them class teachers can then plan the content of lessons based on the “Whole School Curriculum Map”, linked to expected development of understanding as demonstrated through our “Curriculum Ladders”.

(Please note the following section of our page is under construction and not complete as yet)

Our Curriculum Subject’s Intent , Concepts and Policies


Reading Intent

(English) Reading

Being a successful reader unlocks the doors to learning across the curriculum and beyond. We know that   difficulty with reading creates a barrier that will impact on the children not only whilst they attend our academy but, in their future, as well. Starting with our “Little Wandle” phonics programme, through its early decodable texts before moving on to the “Big Cat” reading scheme amongst others, the children travel our “Yellow Book Road” to independent free choice texts. At the same time, experiencing a wide range of contemporary, diverse, traditional, and classic texts that are read to them and shared with them in a range of lessons but also for pleasure. Our intent is to create confident, fluent, happy, and enthusiastic readers, laying the foundations for years to come; so the children will reap all the benefits a lifelong love of reading brings.

Reading Concepts

Building Block Concept – Reading

Reading Subject Policy


Writing Intent

[English] Writing

Our aim is to deliver a stimulating writing curriculum that develops independent writers who can use their skills for a range of purposes. We believe that pupils should be able to confidently communicate their knowledge, ideas, and emotions through their writing; that being a coherent writer is fundamental in a child’s success during their journey through our school and beyond. Our writing curriculum concepts: composition skills, grammar, punctuation, spelling and handwriting are taught both discretely and via a range of motivating and creative stimuli such as: texts, film clips, artefacts, visitors, and real-life experiences. The intent of this being to inspire and fascinate pupils, giving their written word purpose and context and for them, upon completion, fulfilment.

Writing Concepts

Building Block Concept – Writing

Writing Subject Policy


Maths Intent


To successfully provide a structured, rich curriculum with a clear progression of skills, we deliver the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum for mathematics through the White Rose Scheme. We want our pupils to become fluent in the fundamentals of maths through intelligent practice; to develop their conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly; to be able to reason and problem solve by applying their mathematics to a variety of increasing complex problems. Building upon their knowledge and understanding from Nursery to Year 6 our children develop independent learning behaviours through choice and challenge  and the CPA approach (concrete, pictorial  and abstract learning). It is our intent that our pupils develop into confident and articulate mathematical communicators, developing the resilience and stamina to enable all children to reason and problem solve with increased confidence such secure mathematical understanding will assist them in their transition to Key Stage 3, as well as in their daily lives.

Maths Concepts

Building Block Concept – Maths

Maths Subject Policy


Science Intent


At Carlton Road Academy, our children are ambitious Scientists! Our intent is to give every child a broad and balanced Science curriculum aiming to give all pupils a deeper understanding of the world around them. We want our pupils to ‘think scientifically’ whilst acquiring specific skills through the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. We want the children at Carlton Road Academy to love Science and find ‘awe and wonder’ in their Science lessons; to have cherished memories of Science lessons in our school and embrace opportunities they are presented with. At Carlton Road Academy we aspire to achieve, aim high and have no limits to our ambitions, aspiring to be the next generation of Forensic Scientists, Astrophysicists, Toxicologists, Microbiologists, or Astronauts.

Our aim is that these stimulating and challenging experiences help every child secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, as well as promote love and thirst for learning. To achieve this, it involves exciting, practical hands-on experiences that encourage curiosity and questioning. Our aim is that these stimulating and challenging experiences help every child secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, as well as promoting a love and thirst for learning.

Science Concepts

Building Block Concept – Science

Science Subject Policy

Art & Design

Art and Design Intent


For our pupils to develop in Art, they will study and be inspired by a diverse and varied range of artists and art work so that they may become reflective and thoughtful artists who respect the opinions of others and feel safe to share their own differing opinions. Our Art curriculum aims to be accessible to all and develops the ideals that personal art work is respected and celebrated knowing that differing personal opinions and interpretations are valued and encouraged. Through our Art curriculum, children will study local art, national and global pieces created by artists from a variety of backgrounds as well as focussing on personal and individual pieces of art about themselves, their emotions and interpretations. The children will use their own sketch books to experiment with different mediums, investigate varying effects and techniques as well as produce final pieces of art. Art work will also be created outside of the sketch books using more physical and tactile materials depending on the units taught. At Carlton Road we wish to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, whilst equipping them with the knowledge and skills to be able to experiment, invent and create their own works of art through our inventive Art curriculum.

Art and Design Concepts

Building Block Concept – Art & Design

Art and Design Subject Policy


Computing Intent


At Carlton Road Academy the primary aim of Computing is to equip our learners with knowledge and skill development that will prepare them for the rapidly increasing digital world they are a part of. This knowledge and understanding of Computing is becoming exponentially more important for children of this generation in terms of their future at home, employment and recreational uses. Our computing curriculum has specific focuses to allow the children to be diverse in their understanding: digital literacy, computer science, information technology and online safety – ensuring children are becoming confident and competent in using technology in a safe and effective way. The intent of our computing curriculum at Carlton Road Academy is to deliver it in an accessible way to ensure that all children develop a deeper understanding of just how important information technology is and will be to them as they grow up – being aware of how it effects their own daily lives but also understanding the mechanics behind software, coding and technology as they know it.

Computing Concepts

Building Block Concept – Computing

Computing Subject Policy

Design & Technology

Design and Technology Intent

At Carlton Road Academy, the teaching of Design & Technology encourages our pupils to become creative and imaginative thinkers. Through the use of resourceful and practical activities, the children are taught the skills and knowledge they need to be able to design and make a purposeful product which links to other areas of learning. This allows for cross-curricular connections to be made. Our curriculum is set up to allow pupils to take risks, to become resourceful, innovative, enterprising, and capable citizens. In a world where engineering, technology and design are critical; we want to ensure the children know about the opportunities which exist in these industries and how they can take part in these. It is our intention to inspire pupils to want to shape the future; and with our exciting and engaging Design & Technology curriculum we believe we can achieve this.

Design and Technology Concepts

Building Block Concept – Design & Technology

Design and Technology Subject Policy


Geography Intent


Our geography curriculum ignites and embeds fascination and curiosity into our pupils relating to the world around them. One of our main aims is to ensure our children are equipped with the knowledge and skills to be able to become ‘Geographers’. Our curriculum is set up to provide pupils with a broad knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. In addition to this, it is also set up to provide pupils with the specific skills they need to be able to collect, analyse and communicate data gathered through field work, being able to interpret a range of sources of geographical information and to communicate this. Together with the knowledge and skills, we aspire to teach our pupils about their role within the local and wider area and the impacts that they can have on it. We believe that geography provides a vast number of opportunities to ask and answer questions which also encourages children to use a wide range of vocabulary linked to the subject and other curriculum areas. We endeavour to provide opportunities where the children can use their transferable skills and knowledge in other curriculum areas. This allows them to embed their key geographical learning and to become confident in doing this.

Our Geography curriculum is designed so that children start with ‘themselves’ and their local area before working out to the UK and the rest of the world.

Geography Concepts

Building Block Concept – Geography

Geography Subject Policy


History Intent


Our history curriculum has been designed to develop the children’s curiosity about the past – it is intended to equip pupils to ask questions about the past, analyse evidence, think critically, appreciate different perspectives and develop informed judgements through their knowledge, analyse and creative planning sequence. Our history curriculum is a broad, knowledge and vocabulary rich curriculum – it covers the skills outlined in the National Curriculum through challenging and inspiring themes. Progression is planned and builds on prior learning so that children can make sense of the subject. History lessons are delivered as a discrete subject, with cross curricular links made where possible. The children understand that they are learning history skills and are encouraged them to think like ‘historians.’, understanding their role in time and enabling them to become responsible citizens.

Carlton Road Academy is located in the market town of Boston in Lincolnshire, which has a rich history throughout the ages. Our history curriculum aims to teach the children the importance of the local history, through making connections during the wider history topics, as well as specific focuses during our Heritage Week in the Summer Term. As a school, we support the children’s interest in the history of the local area through visits and also within the community, as we want the children to be proud and have a sense of belonging of their local area.

History Concepts

Building Block Concept – History

History Subject Policy


Languages Intent

Modern Foreign Languages

Our intent is that all pupils will develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about foreign languages, finding them enjoyable and stimulating.  Learning Spanish will also offer pupils the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of other cultures and the world around them with a better awareness of self, others and cultural differences. They will be able to recognise and apply key vocabulary within conversations and will be challenged in a range of speaking and listening, reading and writing activities. Units will start at basic noun and article level and will teach pupils how to formulate short phrases. By the time pupils reach Progressive units they will be exposed to much longer text and will be encouraged to formulate their own, more personalised responses based on a much wider bank of vocabulary and linguistic structures.

Spanish is an international language and has the second largest number of native speakers in the world, second only to Mandarin Chinese. The point of all of these facts is that if you learn Spanish, you’ll be hard-pressed to go somewhere where at least a few people don’t speak it. This will make you a better-equipped traveller, allow you to meet even more people and enrich your personal experiences. Spanish appears to be the easiest foreign language for English speakers to learn! It is becoming more popular in Britain and it could soon be the most studied foreign language at school level if current trends continue.

Languages Concepts

Building Block Concept – Languages

Languages Subject Policy 

Physical Education

Physical Education Intent

Physical Education

At Carlton Road Academy, the teaching of Physical Education encourages our pupils to develop a lifelong passion and understanding about the need to keep healthy and active; as well as ensuring each pupil receives high quality opportunities to learn, refine and develop skills and learning across all sports within the PE curriculum. Through the use of resourceful and practical activities, the children are taught the skills and knowledge they need to be able to develop their ability in order to progress and apply their skills into game and sport specific scenarios. Our curriculum is set up to allow pupils to perform, analyse and apply specific skills so they can become resourceful and physically confident. In a world where healthy lifestyles, fitness and exercise are critical; we want to ensure the children know about the opportunities which exist outside of school at local sport clubs. We have developed close links with these clubs and encourage the children to attend these. It is our intention to inspire our pupils to want to participate in sport and physical activity with a physical confidence; as well as develop their sporting ability and skills. With our exciting, engaging and inclusive PE curriculum we believe we can achieve this.

Physical Education Concepts

Building Block Concept – PE

PE Subject Policy 


PHSE and RSE Intent

At Carlton Road Academy we teach Personal, Social, Health Education as a whole-school approach to underpin children’s development as people and because we believe that this also supports their learning capacity.

 The Jigsaw Programme offers us a comprehensive, carefully thought-through Scheme of Work which brings consistency and progression to our children’s learning in this vital curriculum area.

The overview of the programme can be seen on the whole school curriculum map.

 This also supports the “Personal Development “and  “Behaviour and Attitude” aspects required under the Ofsted Inspection Framework, as well as significantly contributing to the school’s Safeguarding and Equality Duties, the Government’s British Values agenda and the SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural) development opportunities provided for our children.

PHSE and RSE Concepts

Building Block Concept – PHSE & RSE Concepts

PHSE and RSE Subject Policy

Further DfE information for Relationships Education

RSHE – a Guide for parents and carers leaflet: relationships-education-relationships-and-sex-education-rse-and-health-education

Jigsaw age 3-11 RSHE overview: Jigsaw-3-11-and-rshe-overview-map.pdf

Jigsaw information leaflet for parents/carers: Jigsaw-information-leaflet-for-parents-and-carers-2021.pdf

Religious Education

Religious Education Intent

Religious Education

At Carlton Road Academy, Religious Education has a significant role in the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural wellbeing and understanding. It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs and encourages pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging, through self-awareness and reflection. The principle aim of RE is to engage pupils in an enquiry approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and for the influence of principle religions and worldviews in the local, national and wider global community.

Religious Education Concepts

Building Block Concept – RE

Religious Education Subject Policy

Further DfE information for Religious Education  


Music Intent


Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon. (The National Curriculum).

Music is a language that all learners at Carlton Road Academy can understand and be part of. The aim of our music curriculum is to prepare the children for the future, both in education and in life. Children at Carlton Road Academy will gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, and composing across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, traditions, and musical genres. We are committed to developing a curiosity for the subject, as well as an understanding and acceptance of the validity and importance of all types of music, and an unbiased respect for the role that music may wish to be expressed in any person’s life. It is our intention to inspire pupils to want to shape the future; and with our exciting and engaging Music curriculum, we believe we can achieve this.

Music Concepts

Music Subject Policy

We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW