Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Reed, the deputy DSL is Mrs Johnson.
Keeping our children safe is of paramount importance and how we do this is well covered in our policies, which you can find on our Key Documents page, these include:
- Trust Safeguarding Policy
- Carlton Road Safeguarding Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Prevent Policy
- Exclusion Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Allegations Policy
Click here to see our Policies and Key Documents page.
Our Academy Safeguarding Policy contains our Welfare Pathway (pg. 10) to follow if individuals have a concern for a child’s safety.
We have also compiled the following for parents, which includes the names of the school staff who can support you.
If you have a concern outside school hours / term time the contact details for Lincolnshire Children’s Services can be found on the LCC website
If you believe that a child or an adult is at immediate risk of harm and in need of protection then you should call the Police - 999, straight away.
Alternatively, if you want advice from the Police and the child or adult is not in immediate need of protection, you can call the Police on the telephone number 101.
How else can I report a concern?
Help for children and young people.
Calls are free and confidential and won’t appear on your phone bill.
Tel: 0800 1111
Help for adults concerned about a child.
People who call can remain anonymous.
Tel: 008 800 5000
Parent/carer and Schools resources available on NSPCC websites
Operation Encompass:
We are an Operation Encompass School.
This means we receive notifications from the Police if they have responded to the home of one of our children for domestic abuse. This allows us to better support the children and family involved.
Reducing Parental Conflict
Arguments and conflicts in relationships happen to all of us. For some people, the reality is that they are unable to resolve these arguments. Unresolved conflicts between adults can have a significant impact on children. The links below provide useful 'tools' and strategies to help parents deal with conflict:
Reducing parental conflict – Advice for families - Lincolnshire County Council
Parental conflict: the impact on children (