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Pupil Voice


Carlton Road Academy uses a range of ways to “hear” our children’s voices.

This enables us to take their views into account when planning or evaluating life in school.

This could be through:

  • The pupil Parliament – an elected group who share ideas and plan events with the PSHE leader
  • Class discussions and assemblies, particularly around 'Picture News' when topical matters are debated.
  • Sharing of views with their teachers and class team

  • Conversations with the Trust senior leaders as part of School Reviews
  • Conversations with the school leadership team as part of their monitoring such as safeguarding.

BIG Conversations

These are when the children in either classes or big groups are given a key issue to discuss or debate.

In recent times we have used BIG conversations to talk about school values, our curriculum and school rules.

Subject leaders use them to meet with pupil groups from across the age ranges to obtain feedback on the delivery of their subject as part of their monitoring process, to share viewpoints and seek new ideas.

We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW