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Have a look at some of the fun we have while learning each day at Carlton Road Academy.





Year 4 Trip October 2023

On Thursday 5th October, Year 4 went to Lincolnshire Show Ground to teach children about what produce Lincolnshire has to offer! The children took part in archery, rugby, football, made Lincolnshire Flags with recycled fabrics, flower arranging, first aid and Yoga. The children also built a tower for Anglian Water! There were so many activities for the children to participate in and they all had a great day!




PGL October 2023

Year 6 PGL Residential at Caythorpe Court October 2023

On Friday 6th October 2023, the year 6 children made their way to PGL at Caythorpe Court in Lincolnshire full of excitement. As soon as the children spotted the buildings of PGL from the bus windows, a tremendous amount of excitement and cheer filled the bus.

When we arrived and unloaded our bags, duvets and suitcases, the children had some free time to play outside on the large open grass fields behind our accommodation. Many of the children decided to play a game of football while others took in the scenery and searched for conkers (something many continued to do throughout their stay at PGL). After some free time spent playing together, we gathered the children in and played a famous PGL game of SPLAT and CUT THE CAKE which were led by our group leader from PGL called Alice. Alice then took us for a guided tour around the entire campus, showing us some of the activity centres like the climbing wall, vertical challenge and zip wire. Alice showed the children the boundaries and explained where they were and were not allowed to go before we had a group photo in front of the old courthouse which was built in 1899 (Victorian times).

After our tour had finished, we collected our bags and suitcases from the sports hall and made our way to our accommodation. The children unpacked their belongings in their rooms and spent some time familiarising themselves with their room. At 5:45pm, we headed to the dining hall to have our tea – burger and chips. The children thoroughly enjoyed their food and especially enjoyed the chilled fruit drinks: lemon and lime and raspberry and peach. Later that night, the children were split into groups of 6 and played a game of Cluedo. They had to use a torch and a map of PGL to locate characters around the campus who revealed clues as to which character had stolen the equipment. Back at the accommodation, the children got showered and ready for bed and were given an order of lights out at 9:30pm. By 10:15pm, all children were settled and asleep ready for another day of fun and excitement.

On Saturday morning, we woke the children up at 7:00am and made our way to the dining hall for breakfast at 8:00am. Sausage, hash brown, beans and toast was on the menu for breakfast before we started our first two activities of the day at 9:15am. The children split into 4 groups and made their way to a range of different activities. Vertical challenge and abseiling were two of the activities the children took part in. Vertical challenge involved the children climbing up a rope ladder and then continuing to climb up onto some tyres and a net to reach the top log.


Onto abseiling and the children walked to the top of the tower before stepping over the edge and slowly walking backwards down the tower wall. The children had to feed the rope slowly through their hands to lower themselves down the wall.


After lunch on Saturday, the children went off in their groups again to do two more adventurous activities. Zip wire and climbing wall were two of the activities the children attempted after lunch. On the zip wire, the children made their way to the top of the platform and connected their harness to the wire. Holding on to the handlebars, they pushed off from the platform and zipped along the wire to the far end of the track before disconnecting themselves. The zip wire was certainly one of the group’s favourite activities.

After the zip wire, the children made their way over to the climbing wall. Firstly, the children began to climb to the blue dotted line at head level, before coming back down ready to go again. Once the children had reached the blue line, they were then able to plan their route to the top and climb as high as they could. They soon realised that pushing up with their legs rather than pulling themselves up with their arms was the easy way to make their way up to the top of the climbing wall.


Tea on Saturday night was chicken nuggets and chips followed by a large chocolate muffin – a favourite meal for many of the children. After tea, the children had some free time in their own rooms before making their way down to the lake for a nighttime campfire. At the campfire, the children enjoyed singing songs and listening to stories. Sadly, the fire itself didn’t really spark into life due to the damp weather but nevertheless, it was certainly an experience many children may not have experienced before.

On Sunday morning, the children were again woken at 7:00am for their final day at PGL. After eating bacon, beans, hash brown and toast for breakfast, they began their first two activities of the day – high ropes and fencing. On the high ropes, the children learned how to manoeuvre themselves along the high wire course. On the course, they had to make their way through many different obstacles while being suspended high in the air. After the high ropes, the children tried fencing something which none of them had ever done before. The children learned the basic movements of lunging forwards and backwards and how to stand “on-guard.” Once they had mastered the movements, they then practised duelling against a partner while dressed in all of the fencing equipment.


At Sunday dinner time, the children enjoyed eating a traditional Sunday roast dinner which included roast beef, gravy, potatoes and vegetables. After their roast dinner, they continued with their activities doing archery and the giant swing. The children enjoyed firing arrows at targets in archery but the most enjoyable activity of the day was undoubtedly the giant swing. The children were connected to a metal bar in groups of 3 and were then pulled up to their desired height by the rest of their group (tiring work for those pulling on the rope!) Once at the height they wanted, one of the children would pull the string which released them and allowed them to swing forwards and backwards at great speed.


Before the children went to their final tea at PGL, they all had to pack their bags and suitcases and leave them in the sports hall ready to be collected later by the bus. Tea on Sunday night consisted of fish fingers, potatoes and a triple chocolate cookie! Straight after tea, the children collected their belongings and got onto the bus ready to leave PGL and return to school.

All of the children really enjoyed their stay at PGL and certainly made many memories which they will hopefully be able to remember for many years to come. They all represented our school extremely well and developed their resilience and team work tremendously!

Year 2 Writing Workshop

The Year 2s went to Fydell House and took part in a writing workshop. We had to think about the heroes and villains or quests in the story. Then we thought about the plots and challenges. We had a great time!


Year 5 & 6 Boys Football Tournament November 2023

Year 5/6 Boys football tournament

On Tuesday 21st November 2023, boys from Years 5 and 6 represented Carlton Road Academy at the boys’ football tournament which was held at Boston United’s new Jakemans Stadium. The boys arrived at the stadium and made their way into the main stand seating area where they were able to take in the view from the stand of the immaculate pitch. Once seated, they had their photo taken and listened to the rules of the tournament and the objectives of the day.

The team then made their way to the 4G artificial pitch where they prepared for their first of 3 group games. The top team in each group would progress into the semi-finals and final. In their first match, the boys played against a very good Tower Road A team, who in fact went on to win the overall tournament, and competed extremely well managing a 0-0 draw against the overall winners. Onto their second group game and the boys played another competitive game against Tower Road B. Despite having several chances to score a winner, the boys couldn’t quite force the ball over the line and came out once again with another 0-0 draw. Their final game in the group stages was against another tough and quality team – Butterwick. The boys took the lead in this game through a remarkable and incredible long range free kick which nestled in the top corner of the net. However, Butterwick managed to grab a late goal towards the end of the game making the final result: 1-1. Three group games, three draws and undefeated – a quite fantastic effort from the team in a very difficult group. Unfortunately, due to other results in our group, the boys didn’t qualify for the semi-finals.

After the group games, we had the opportunity to be taken on a guided tour around the stadium. The boys were allowed into the control room where they saw how safety officers and the police monitor the CCTV during match day and throughout the week ensuring everyone in attendance to the stadium remains safe. They then took a look in the hospitality suites (named after Boston United legends such as Paul Bastock). The children then made their way into the away and home changing rooms. In the home changing rooms, the children were extremely lucky to see the 1st team kit all hung up ready for their league game which was happening later that same night.

After the tour had finished, the boys played two friendlies against Donington and Butterwick. Against Donington, the boys played incredibly well and came out 4-1 winners after playing some fantastic football. In the final game of the day, against our earlier opposition – Butterwick, the boys competed very well yet again and came out with another 0-0 draw (in a game which was ended a few minutes early due to weather).

Overall, the boys showed fantastic team spirit, teamwork and respect to each other, the referees and their opposition. They also showed great resilience and played some excellent football. They did themselves and the school proud and to go unbeaten all day is a truly outstanding achievement! Well done boys!

Year 1 - Pet Visit December 2023

Year 1 have been discussing animals and talking about pets. We talked all about what a pet is. We discussed how to look after a pet and what pets may need, such as feeding them and needing a bed to sleep in. Mr Neame and Miss Hobart then brought in their dog Shadow for a visit.

The children listened to Mr Neame and Miss Hobart talking about how they look after the Shadow. Mr Neame showed the children some things the dog needs to be looked after. This included treats, food, a water bowl, a food bowl, poo bags, dog shampoo, a dog brush and a lead.

The Children then had the opportunity to ask Mr Neame questions. Some of the questions they asked included: Does Shadow have any friends? What does Shadow eat? How old is Shadow? Does he eat fruit and vegetable? What can dogs not eat? How much does he weigh? What type of dog is he? Where does he sleep? Is he naughty? Does he bite? Does he comfort people? What does he like to play? What toys does he have? Can he swim? How do you keep him clean? Does he like a bath? Does he have sharp teeth? Does he lick your face? Is he a fast runner? Does he come back when you call him? Does he do tricks? Does he have a bone? What was he like when he was a puppy? Well done Year 1, you learnt lots about pets and asked some amazing questions! 

Year 1 - Dinosaurs & Fossils  January 2024

In History Year 1 have been learning about dinosaurs and fossils. 

They made their own fossils out of salt dough and became fossil hunters. 


We researched the famous fossil hunter Mary Anning who died over 150 years ago. The children discussed facts that they have learnt about her and participated in some excavation activities. 


Year 1 - Animals UK Visit

Animals UK Visit

In Science Year 1 have been learning about animal classifications. We have looked at birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. We have learnt facts about different animals and looked at their appearance, habitat, and diet. We have made sculptures using clay of animals in our Art lessons and are looking forward to writing fact files in English. Today we had the opportunity to encounter animals close up, hold them and learn more facts about them when Animals UK visited us. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to writing fact files about them. The children saw a meerkat, Little Owl, Burmese Python, Chilean Rose Tarantula and a Panther chameleon.


Reception - Animals UK Visit

Reception were very excited to get a visit from Animals UK. They saw and managed to interact with a variety of animals. The children were very excited to meet Severus the snake, Gru the little owl, Charlotte the tarantula, Milkshake the chameleon, Mika the meerkat and A tortoise called Fish. 


NSPCC Number Day

Number day was a great experience at Carlton Road Academy. It was held in conjunction with the NSPCC and TTRS. NSPCC is such a great charity and with the support of our parents, the school raised a whopping £171.  The children had a great day and it was a fantastic opportunity to dress up as a number and to apply their maths skills. 


World Book Day 2024

World Book Day 


In Year 1, we looked at the fairytale The Runaway Pancake and had fun drawing some story maps to sequence the events in the story. We also read the book Elmer which is from the Rainbow Way books and linked it to our protected characteristics.

  We discussed how we are all different and how it is great to be yourself.  In Maths, we looked at the books Mr Wolf's Pancakes and One is a Snail and Ten is a crab and practised our counting in tens.

We brought in a favourite book from home and created a front cover for them, read to each other and made our favourite characters out of plasticine using the sculpting skills we learnt in Art.  We also had a World Book Day assembly where we enjoyed singing about reading and then Mrs Coyle read us a book. 


Our dress theme this year was 'Relaxed for Reading!' Lots of our children took advantage of this and came to school in pyjamas, dressing gowns and onesies! Some children decided to wear their comfiest clothing to take part in all the book-themed activities. The children enjoyed different stories which were incorporated into every lesson. 



Year 4 Trip to Snipedales - April 2024

On Tuesday 30th April, we went to Snipe Dales Country Park to look at the course of a river.


We had fun whilst checking the current, flow and meander of a river as well as doing river sampling to see what creatures we could find.



It was a lovely sunny day and we had a nice picnic together in the sunshine!


Year 1  Visit to the Boston Stump - May 2024

As part of Lincolnshire Heritage week, the Year 1 children went on a walk of our local area from school to St. Botolph’s Church. The children had previously looked at maps and pictures, so they knew the route we were taking.


They were able to use locational and directional language and could describe physical and human features and name landmarks. The children learnt about road safety, and we were able to see three of the bridges we studied in our DT when learning about structures and bridges. They also saw The Herbert Ingram statue, which was one of the sculptures we studied in our art lesson.


Having enjoyed The Boston Church Mouse book earlier in the year and studying churches in RE the children were able to go inside the magnificent landmark St. Botolph’s Church.



They could describe the features in the church and enthusiastically spoke about the local area when we returned to school.

Year 2 Road Safety - May 2024

Year 2 completed their road safety training on the 23rd May.


The children all worked really hard to discuss all the skills needed to keep safe around roads and how to cross the roads safely.   The children met a visitor from Lincolnshire County Council who explained lots of different strategies and tips on how to act safely around our roads.


Well done Year 2!

Year 5/6 Rounders Match - June 2024

Our Rounders Team went to Butterwick for a challenging game. Both teams played extremely well and the game finished with a draw of 12 all. A massive well done to both teams.

Year 1 Trip to Tattershall Farm Park - June 2024

Our Year 1 classes went on a wonderful trip to Tattershall Farm Park. 

The children got to experience the different play areas, goat walking, reindeer feeding and an amazing falconry display.


All the children enjoyed the various activities that the farm had to offer!

We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW