Our EYFS Curriculum
Our EYFS curriculum map covers 2 annual cycles – A and B.
This enables the same “thematic” approach, e.g. The Natural World/Space/ Travel, to be delivered to both the Nursery and Reception Class simultaneously, but with content adapted to suit the ages and stages of the children in each class and depending on their needs at that time.
This offers a broad curriculum to all children but prevents any duplication of content between the two cohorts. It also allows for retrieval and embedding of language for the children who attend both of their EYFS years at Carlton Road (approx 50% of Reception).
You can see the EYFS curriculum plan as part of our whole school long-term map, which can be read via this link. The links below will give you further clarity as well as the additional aspects of the provision, such as our curiosity cubes and career crates.